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Polydactyly of the thumb: a modification of the Wassel-Flatt classification. (2021 J Hand Surg Eur)
Increased expression of macrophages and inflammatory cytokines at tendon origin in patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis. (2021 J Shoulder Elbow Surg)
Effect of pre-treatment expectations on post-treatment expectation fulfillment or outcomes in patients with distal radius fracture. (2021 J Hand Ther)
Lumbar Cryptococcal Osteomyelitis Mimicking Metastatic Tumor (2015 Asian Spine J)
Effects of cigarette smoking on hearing recovery from noise-induced temporary hearing threshold shifts in mice. (2011 Otol Neurotol)
Àü¹æ °æÃß Ãß°£ÆÇ Á¦°Å¼ú ¹× À¯ÇÕ¼ú ÈÄ 1³â Ã߽à »ó °üÂûµÈ ºÒÀ¯ÇÕ ºÐÀýÀÇ ÀÚ¿¬ °æ°ú (2016 ¿ï»ê´ëÇб³ ´ëÇпø ÀÇÇаú ¼®»ç ÇÐÀ§ ³í¹®)
2015 AO Trauma Course ¼ö·á
2015 OTA (Orthopaedic Trauma Association) annual meeting presenter ¡°Effect of Teriparatide on Atypical Complete Femoral Fractures treated with Intramedullary Nailing¡±
2017 TPI (±Ù¸·µ¿Åë À¯¹ßÁ¡ ÁÖ»çÀÚ±Ø Ä¡·á) ±³À° À̼ö
2019 ASSH (American Society for Surgery of the Hand) annual meeting presenter ¡°Prospective randomized comparison of US-guided and blind corticosteroid injection for de Quervain¡¯s disease¡±
2019 APWA (Asia Pacific Wrist Association) Cadaveric Workshop ¼ö·á